Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Video Blogs on Youtube.

Been awhile since I've done a post here, but wanted to update that I started a video blog on youtube. Here's the first episode.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


This year is starting off kind of blah for me, sick really... I've been sick since New Years Eve and I'm ready to be over this damn cold. I hate being sick :(

Though good times are looking to come ahead. I've gotten my first "Guest Speaker" invite from a convention, going to work out the details with them and than will let people know which convention and stuff. I'm looking forward to this, because I know this is something I can do. Let's see what happens here, I wouldn't mind speaking at more conventions I know a lot on the TMNT topic, and like to share what I know. And usually I'm good at putting on a good show for people, Youmacon TMNT panel was standing room only.

Though conventions I can name that I'm going to is A&G Ohio, Katsucon, New York City Comic Con, Motor City Comic Con, Anime Next, Canada National Expo, and Youmacon. I'm not a guest at any of these, just going to them. I'm usually a Volunteer at Motor City Comic Con. I love going to conventions, it's a big past time for me. It's one of the few things I have to look forward too.

Since things have happen with my arm, most of the things I enjoyed doing during free time has been taken away from me, drawing, swimming, biking, Karate, wearing costumes, ect... it's like most of my life is gone, though conventions I can still do. I just need to spend more time in panel rooms than the dealer rooms (dealer room use to be my favorite part of the convention). Reason I choose panel rooms is because the dealer room is usually so crowded I get bumped into a lot, and conventions is the #1 spot where people seem to turn around elbow first... I can't count how many times my arm is elbowed at cons!!! So yeah, dealer rooms are dangerous, I still check them out but I try to avoid that room as much as I can. Some cons, like Comic Cons or CN expo has the con based around mainly in the dealer room so ya can't avoid it.

I'm hoping that this year I start to get more of a guest lable for conventions, so that I can get out more and see more people. It will make for an interesting year, and maybe help me get back on the path of finding a road where I can have a life again, other than sitting in my room hoping that typing to my friends online isn't going to leave me in pain for an hour or two.

Saturday, December 22, 2007



My name is Michele Ivey, I'm a huge TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) fan, one of the millions of fans out there. I've been a fan and collector of the Turtles since 1989, with toys, clothes, vhs, scripts, movie props, and much more in the non stop growing collection. I don't have everything out there, but I do have a lot. My hopes is to some day open a Ninja Turtles Museum to be able to share this collection with the millions of other fans out there.

I'm known by a lot of people for the TV appearances I've been on, VH1's "Totally Obsessed" and a show in Canada called "Fanatical". I've also been on Canada's MTV Live, and in Michigan Fox 2 News. Along with a handful of radio shows and News Paper stories. I'm not a big fan of "Totally Obsessed" because all they did was lie about my stories, trying to make it look like I'm trying to become a real Ninja Turtle, ignoring real answers that I gave during the interview and clipping three days of filming together to make it look like I'm replying to things that I was not replying to. I give props to their editors for doing such a great job, all it's worth though is a good laugh. If anyone wants to see my real story that was on TV try "Fanatical", you can find it on youtube. They did a wonderful cover of the story for me and a good online friend, Buslady.

I wanted to get the stuff that people know about me out of the way, since it's usually the things people question me about when they first meet me. So the last thing I want to say on things that a lot of people ask me about, is that this blog is not to talk about my collection. I have areas for that already. Here are some links to things about my collection.

First to the most asked about items:
Myspace Blog: Turtle Heads : You have to be a Myspace user to read this blog though it's about how I got the Turtle heads which I am known for owning from the 3rd Movie.
Collectors Quest: A collector website where I'm starting to put up my collection. You don't have to be a member to view and read up on any of the collections here.

Knowing me I won't be here to post often, I've got a million websites that I'm a member on and only few that I post normally on. Who knows, this might become a favorite. Though at the moment the two sites I visit the most is TMNT-L and myspace.

My favorite past times is conventions, I go to a lot of them esp anime conventions. I love TMNT and going to these conventions gives me the chances to meet the people who have helped make the Ninja Turtles what we all know and love. Anyone can go to conventions, and I highly encourage it if you're looking to meet the people behind the scenes. They're all great people and some of the information you can gather at these conventions is just amazing and fun to learn in person. Favorite Conventions at this moment are: Anime Next, New York City Comic Con, and Youmacon. I also enjoy Canada National Expo, Motor City Comic Con, and Katsucon.

Other things I like: I love Anime! Naurto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ranma 1/2, Dragon Ball, Fushigi Yugi, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, and so much more. I collect my anime by DVD box sets normally, and when I get into a series I like to see it all the way through. My favorite animes are Fullmetal Alchemist and Naurto right now. Oh and I'm a dub fan, I don't like reading much so reading the TV is out of the question for me. I love my dub anime! If you like subs, that's totally up to you and I'm glad you enjoy it, though I do have a reading disability and it makes it hard for me to even think about enjoying reading the TV shows I'm watching.

If you watched Fanatical than you already know this, though for those of you who don't watch Fanatical I was injured at work 3 years ago. The injury has made it so my right arm hurts to just about everything esp touch, cold and wind. For the real story what happened from the night it happened please feel free to read my Deadjournal post. That is the story of when I got hurt, but we didn't find out till May 2006 what is wrong with me, it's called RSD. Which is the reason I'm not to hyper on too many sites, it does hurt me to type and I perfer to do most of my typing on TMNT-L or on IRC. So my Deadjournal even suffers from being ignored these days, cause I just don't like typing too much.

I guess this is enough about me to introduce myself. Feel free to say hi, and if you decide to join TMNT-L, mention TMNT somewhere in your profile when signing up.

Thanks for reading!